30 Day Real Estate Business Challenge

With the new year right around the corner there is NO excuse not to spend the next 30 days creating your game plan for 2012. It is going to be one helluva great year! I am so stoked that I have been given the opportunity to consult with several AMAZING Real Estate Brokerages. I am surrounded by some of the most talented people I have ever worked with.

Here is a great article written by Michael McClure from Next Inman. I was blown away that he came up with a 30 day challenge for agents.

These key items are topics that I consult with in depth when I meet with a client who truly wants to build their business.  Let me know if you have any questions, or if you would like me to go over your answers after completing the challenge to create a strategic game plan.

30 Day Real Estate Business Challenge

1. What is the biggest change you’ve seen in the real estate industry in the last two years?

2. How have you changed your strategy to adapt to your response to the prior question?

3. Is your income trending up or down? What are the reasons you think it is trending the way that it is?

4. Studies show that, more and more, buyers are finding the home they end up buying online on their own. How are you changing your approach with buyers – how you find them, how you engage them, the manner in which you serve them – to react to that trend?

5. What is your strategy for syndicating listings?

6. What is your unique selling proposition, is it truly unique and how are you messaging your USP to the world?

7. What is your branding strategy, and is it consistently reflected in all of your marketing?

8. How do you measure the ROI of your marketing efforts?

9. Studies show that the human brain tends to ignore marketing that is platitudinal in nature. Is your marketing platitudinal in nature, and, if it is, what will you do to improve it.

10. What is your “Why”and do your actions line up with it?

11. What are your Mission Statement and Core Values? Are they actually documented, and do you share them with your clients/your team/your office/the world?

12. How current is your client database, and what are you doing to optimize it?

13. What are your biggest weaknesses, and what are you doing to improve in those areas?

14. Who are the primary competitors in your marketplace, and what are they doing that you are not?

15. What are the primary things that buyers and sellers look for when selecting an agent, and how are you demonstrating that you have those characteristics to potential clients (hint: review the National Association of REALTORS™ Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers for the answers)?

16. How do you stay current on coming changes and trends in the industry?

17. What is your attitude toward change? Do you embrace it, or resist it? And if you do resist it, why?

18. It is often said that “insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results.” Are there things that you continue to do that do not produce solid results, and, if so, why do you continue doing them?

19. How current is your website, and when is the last time you gave it a refreshing?

20. From an SEO perspective, how competitive is your website?

21. At what rate are you converting web leads, and are you getting better or worse at that? If you are not getting better, what are you doing to fix that?

22. What is your strategy regarding video, and why?

23. What is your strategy regarding Facebook, and why?

24. Are you actively “building a tribe” online? And, if not, why not?

25. Are you getting the appropriate support and training from your broker (if you are an agent) or your brand (if you are a broker)? If not, why do you remain where you are?

26. Many believe that the future of real estate is more consultative in nature; if you agree, what are you doing to position yourself to take advantage of this trend?

27. Are you being held accountable by anyone for the results of your efforts, and, if not, why not?

28. What is the biggest change you expect to occur in the real estate industry in the next two years?

29. How have you changed your strategy to adapt to your response to the prior question?

30. What are your goals for 2012, and are they documented in a formal business plan of some sort? If not, why not?

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Filed under 30 Day Real Estate Business Challenge, Arizona Real Estate Management, Danielle Gregorich Consulting, Danielle Gregorich DG R.E.M., Danielle Gregorich Real Estate Marketing Manager, DG R.E.M. Business Development, DG R.E.M. Consulting, DG R.E.M. Goals, DG R.E.M. Marketing, DG R.E.M. Real Estate Business Management

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